Monday, June 25, 2012

Why am I blogging?

Columbia, SC is relatively small (est. pop. 129,000) compared to say New York, NY (est. pop. 8,175,000) or Tuscon, AZ (est. pop. 520,000). Still, I cannot say that I have seen it in its entirety. However, I find myself constantly asking the same question,

"What is there to do today?"

I am *mostly* a stay-at-home mom. My child boss keeps me busy. He is constantly seeking enjoyment out of life. I feel an obligation to fulfill his need. However, entertainment is hard to come by in a city like Columbia, SC. Our Riverbanks Zoo and SC State Museum memberships get old after a while - even to a toddler. However, I remain confident that these memberships are a family's must-haves.

This blog will detail our journey through Columbia, SC seeking adventure and new places - on the cheap. ;)

Let the fun begin!