Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pick-A-Park: Edisto Discover Park and Neighborhood Center

This park was pretty great. There were many wonderful aspects. All equipment was new and well maintained. We didn't come for the splash pad, but it looks pretty neat! There are palm trees in case you can't make that out in the picture.

Splash Pad

We hadn't come for the splash pad. We came with a picnic. Unfortunately, there were no picnic tables. I suppose we could have eaten on the tables in the community center, but the boss would have none of it! We ended up eating our picnic while sitting on the floor of the neighborhood center's porch. This was the ONLY shaded area in the park.

Neighborhood Center

After lunch we went exploring. Smoke Bomb was very excited about the playground. He was very brave and had many personal successes in bravery. It wouldn't be an appropriate playground for any children who are not sure footed. It probably meant for kids 6 and over.


Next, we went to explore the "Dino Dig Area." There was a neat little play thing that you could make music with (see left side of picture). Where are the dinosaurs you ask? All dug up apparently. It's just a sand pit now. 

Dino Dig Area

Next up? Swings. My little man hasn't quite gathered the guts to ride regular swings and insisted on the baby swing. The latch was broken, but honestly - it was overkill for Smoke Bomb anyway.

Baby Swing


Man is it HOT in South Carolina!! We had to take a break in the neighborhood center. This center was GREAT! There were tables, a TV, two computers, foosball table, billard table, books, puzzles, games, snack/drink machines, and CLEAN bathrooms! We hung out and played many games and watched some TV while we cooled off. There were other boys from around the neighborhood hanging out. Most of them were in middle or high school. One even joined us in a game of Candy Land. A lady from Parks & Rec showed up and told them they could set up a flag football game and they got super excited! In no time, they were set up with Gatorade and everything! I'm not exactly sure if it was city sponsored, but it should have been!

Overall this park was pretty great. We even took Smoke Bomb's bike out of the trunk. He tooled about on the walking track.

Happy Exploring!

Pick-A-Park: Granby Park

Granby Park is part of the Three Rivers Greenway. Despite my GPS' interesting navigation, the entrance to the park was lovely. The gardens were well maintained and gorgeous. I loved the community garden aspect; however, it doesn't appear to be utilized. 

Community Garden Area

The community garden allows for residents without yards to grow their own produce. For only $20 per year, a Columbia resident can have a 10x20 box and all the water and compost necessary. Seems like a great deal to me! 

Just down from the community garden is the bathrooms. This is one of my most desired aspects of parks in Columbia. Sojourning with a toddler can mean unpredictable and emergent potty needs!

Bathroom House

Now, I've never been in jail or prison; however, I am fairly certain the toilets in this bathroom are the same as you might find there. They were metal and the flusher was a button in the wall. The bathrooms were obviously not as well maintained as the gardens. They did work in a pinch though.

Smoke Bomb was very opinionated about this park. In fact, he insists that it is NOT a park at all as there was no playground. I have to agree. It shouldn't be called a park at all. Just calling it Granby Greenway Pass might be more accurate. If you are looking for a place to walk, run or bike - it is a great fit. My little man was not too excited about this. But I think I captured a pretty good fake smile. 

Creative mommy skills had to be utilized in order to get a decent look at the area for me to report to you guys. If you turn right from the sign you see above, you can find foot access to the river. There is a little bank with a felled tree that made for interesting exploring. 

River view from end of foot path

There was a couple with their dog playing in the river near the felled tree. I would not suggest it. See below.

"Bacteria levels have exceeded state standards. Swimming here may make you sick"

There was a cute little gathering area that a group might want to use (a church group perhaps). There are 3 long benches and a podium. 

I do not have much else to say about this "park." I will simply share some pictures to give you a better idea of what to expect when you get there. 

Gathering Area with Podium

Picnic Tables

Bugs can make this "park" fun

Some of the trees are labeled

It is fun to scrape the flaky bark off the trees

Friday, July 6, 2012

Pick-A-Park: Sims Park

Today's adventure led us to Sims Park (3500 Duncan Street). This park almost made me wish I paid taxes in Columbia! 

Sliding - Swinging - Splashing - OH MY!

This park had a parking lot, a neighborhood center, large playground, basketball court, splash pad, picnic shelter and green space. It has been by far the best park we have visited, yet.

It was shaded and had multiple age leveled structures. If you've ever had the pleasure of park hopping in 100 degree heat in the humidity of SC, you can understand why "shaded" seems like an important adjective here.  There was only one unfortunate eye sore. One play set looks about 15 years old and is missing a swing. But, they compensated with the metal slide. Man! Those things are fast! My boss didn't think that was too wonderful, but he had PLENTY of slides from which to choose.

Nice Shaded Playground

Sketchy Older Play Structure


Another Play Structure

"Spiderman's Web"

I think I was more excited about the splash pad than Smoke Bomb. He does not like to get his face wet. Still waiting on him to grow out of that. It did provide WONDERFUL relief in the sultry summer afternoon. I kept taking breaks to get sprinkled. I called the neighborhood center (803-733-8451) before heading out to be certain the splash pad would be on. They apparently have it on during certain times (see pic below); but, the lady on the phone assured me that if it is not on, you can just ask them to do so! How great is that!?

Splash Pad and Hours of Operation Sign

Smoke Bomb Not Appreciating the Splash Pad

Benches and Picnic Tables Surrounding the Splash Pad

Picnic Shelter

Next to the splash pad was a shelter containing 2 picnic tables and a water fountain. Back at the neighborhood center you can find a small billiard table, tables and chairs, a television and computers with internet access. I peaked my head inside and found two adults and a couple children watching television. There is also soda machines on the porch. Also, dogs are allowed.

Great park! Definitely one to visit!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cupcakes and Robots

1st Step:
There is a lovely gourmet cupcake place on Lincoln St in the Vista astutely named Cupcake. They sell a myriad of cupcake flavors like Red Velvet, Bourbon Pecan Pie, Chocolate Raspberry, Black & White, Caramel Macchiato, Key Lime and (my personal favorite) Chocolate Peanut Butter. Now, how is this cheap or free you may ask? Well, let me explain.

Cupcake does a Power Hour once a month. I have had difficulty pinning down the exact timing of said Power Hours, but I now have a general idea of when they happen. The past ones have occurred thusly:

January 10, 2:30-3:30
February 13, 3-4:00
March 14, 10:30-11:30
April 16, 2-3:00
May 15, 10:30-11:30
June 13, 3-4:00

So, I think it is safe to assume a Power Hour will occur before or after lunch between the 10th and 16th of the month. It seems like they shoot for the 15th...but I'm sure there are other factors involved. Follow them on Twitter or Facebook and be alerted to the Power Hours! We do!

You can also sign up for their Birthday Club and get a FREE cupcake during your birthday month.

Enjoying my FREE birthday cupcake at Cupcake

2nd Step:
A couple doors down from Cupcake are some art galleries, If Art and Lewis & Clark. My son LOVES to go into Lewis & Clark to see the lamps robots! They are galleries so looking is FREE! Yay! Cupcakes and Robots all in one spot!! Oh my!! Now, if Lewis & Clark is closed, the people at If Art will take you through the back. We've done this more often than not. Plus, If Art has the great ceramic work of Peter Lenzo on display! ENJOY!

Robot Lamps at Lewis & Clark

In these art galleries you will find flyers for other art events. This provided a lead to an exciting FREE opportunity as well! More on that to come!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pick-A-Park: Valencia Park

Smoke Bomb: "Mommy, can we pick a park today?"  SURE!!

Smoke Bomb reached into our jar and pulled out VALENCIA PARK (1710 S. Kilbourne Rd., Columbia, SC). The City of Columbia describes it as "Ball field, Playground" on their Park Amenities Directory. Vague, right? That's what makes it an adventure!

Smoke Bomb My boss loves picnics. So we took some food with us. Said food was eaten beneath two lovely, enormous Sweetgum trees. The Sweetgum seed pods make for an interesting childhood discovery and a moment for learning through investigation. Together we learned there is no seed inside the Sweetgum spiky ball thing, but instead the whole thing IS the seed. My bloody fingers are evidence of our investigation. 

Next up, the playground. The playground at this park brings into question what the City of Columbia considers a "playground." There was two swings and a spring rocking horse. Both swings were baby swings (which is fine for us); however, one was missing the safety chain, so a skilled swinger could use it. Now, my little man LOVES to swing, but he made do with the rocking horse while I cleaned up our picnic.

Smoke Bomb rocking out!

This is the entire playground
You can barely see the rocking horse in the background.

Despite the pitiful playground, Valencia Park has a great baseball field. It appears to be regularly maintained. The grass is flat and mostly green. There isn't any grass in the infield sand. There is a building for selling concessions, bathrooms, announcers booth, dugouts and bleachers. I'm interested to find out when a game might be held there. I bet it would be free to attend as well. Hmmm...

Baseball Field

Smoke Bomb at the plate

A multipurpose field!

This park was okay. It certainly was clean! Luckily, Smoke Bomb is really into baseball these days and appreciated the ball field. Hopefully, I will post about this park again, but from the viewpoint of seeing a free/cheap baseball game!

FULL DISCLOSURE: Smoke Bomb and I have been to this park before with Grandpa. There was an additional rocking car thing back then. It was not there today.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Pick-A-Park: Our Plan of Attack

Every good adventure starts with a plan!

Our goal is to tackle the parks of Columbia, SC. There will be no slide un-slid. No monkey bars un-monky-ed. No grass untrampled. For we will see them all!

First, I need to make it fun for a toddler.

Upcycle an old canister.
Add slips of paper with various parks.
Let toddler choose one.

Now, let's pull in some math skills! *Did I mention my husband and I are teachers*  I've printed a map of the local parks for us to find and mark off as we visit them. 

We are set! Let the park picking begin!

Why am I blogging?

Columbia, SC is relatively small (est. pop. 129,000) compared to say New York, NY (est. pop. 8,175,000) or Tuscon, AZ (est. pop. 520,000). Still, I cannot say that I have seen it in its entirety. However, I find myself constantly asking the same question,

"What is there to do today?"

I am *mostly* a stay-at-home mom. My child boss keeps me busy. He is constantly seeking enjoyment out of life. I feel an obligation to fulfill his need. However, entertainment is hard to come by in a city like Columbia, SC. Our Riverbanks Zoo and SC State Museum memberships get old after a while - even to a toddler. However, I remain confident that these memberships are a family's must-haves.

This blog will detail our journey through Columbia, SC seeking adventure and new places - on the cheap. ;)

Let the fun begin!